Optimal preparation for your next trip
There may be longer waiting times at check-in, baggage drop-off and security. We therefore recommend that all passengers arrive at the airport at least two hours before departure in order to catch their flights on time.
Please follow these instructions. You will contribute to a smooth start of your journey:
- Find out about the luggage regulations of your airline.
- If possible, please only bring one piece of hand luggage to the security check. The less hand luggage you have, the quicker the check will be.
- Only carry permitted items in your hand luggage. You can find an overview of the prohibited items in your hand luggage here
- Liquids and creams (up to 100 ml per container) must be stowed in a resealable 1-litre plastic bag.
- Plan your journey to the airport
- Please inform yourself in advance about our car parks P1, P2 and P3 and the parking fees. You can book a parking space from the comfort of your own home.
- Check the entry requirements of your destination country
- Are all your identity documents present and still valid?
- Check in online
- If you have reduced mobility, please book the appropriate assistance with your airline in advance.
- Allow a 10-minute walk from the car park to the terminal.
- Be at the terminal 2,5 hours before departure
- Check the baggage drop-off times with your airline. Ryanair allows you to check in your baggage from 2 hours to 40 minutes before your scheduled departure time.
- Go to the security check immediately after checking in your luggage.
- Have your identification documents, health certificates and boarding pass ready.
- Empty or dispose of your drinks bottles
- Take off your jacket/coat before the checkpoint
- Keep separate:
- Bags with liquids and cosmetics
- Laptops and tablets
- Stow all contents of your trouser pockets, your mobile phone and your wristwatch in your hand luggage or jacket